Holiday White beach

Holiday White beach

Easy - 5 Min

  • style Dish type: Sweets & Desserts
  • poll Difficulty: Easy
  • access_time Preparation time: 5 min
  • timer Cooking time: 5 min
  • place Region: US
  • euro_symbol Cost: ₫230,000



Purple rice:

16g        Purple rice

2,4g       White sugar

Whipped cream:

30g        Pauls Whipping cream

3g          White sugar 

Blue Milk:

256g      Pauls UHT Full cream Milk

1,3g       Blue Butterfly Pea flower

13g        White sugar


1,5g       Blue Spirulina Powder


Progression of the recipe:

Step 1:

Mix the hot rice with the white sugar and let it cool down. Whip Pauls Whipping cream with the white sugar until whipped (not too stiff).


Step 2:

Bring Pauls’s UHT Full Cream Milk with the white sugar to boil. Stop the fire, add the blue butterfly pea flower and let infuse for 10 minutes. Cool down and strain, keep the blue milk.


Step 3:

Put the sweet purple rice at the bottom of the glass. Add one-third of the whipped cream to the bottom. Add a few drops of whipped cream to create a cloud effect.


Step 4:

Carefully pour the chilled blue milk (270 grams). Add 1/3 of the whipped cream. Sprinkle the blue spirulina powder on top.

Ingredients Quantity Price
Whipping Cream 35% (1L) - Pauls ₫179,000
Whole Milk 3.5% (1L) - Pauls ₫51,000

Products of the recipe