Conchiglioni giganti with peas and carrots

Conchiglioni giganti with peas and carrots

Easy - 10 Min

  • style Dish type: Pasta & Rice
  • poll Difficulty: Easy
  • access_time Preparation time: 10 min
  • timer Cooking time: 20 min
  • place Region: Italy
  • euro_symbol Cost: ₫1,367,800



  • 350g conchiglioni (giants)

  • 1½ cup (7 oz or 200 g) peas

  • 1 shallot, minced

  • 1 tab of butter

  • 3 tbsps extra-virgin olive oil

  • 4 cup (1 l) hot vegetable broth

  • 1 tsp fresh goat’s cheese

  • 1 tbsp grated parmesan cheese

  • 2 carrots, diced

  • Salt and pepper


Melt the butter in a saucepan and sauté the shallot until soft, adding a little broth if necessary.

add the peas and cook for 5 minutes, seasoning with salt and pepper. cover with hot broth and cook

until peas are tender. puree the peas with the goat’s cheese and 2 tablespoons oil, using an immersion blender or in a food processor. adjust salt and pepper to taste.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the conchiglioni until  al dente. Meanwhile heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the carrots.

Drain the pasta and mix with the pea puree. stir the parmesan into the pasta and serve with the sautéed carrot cubes.

Enjoy the recipe and Cook like a Chef at home!

Ingredients Quantity Price
Conchiglioni Giant (500g) - Delverde ₫137,000
Garden Peas Frz (400G) - Bonduelle ₫104,000
Pamplie - Frozen Unsalted butter block 250g (250g) ₫179,000
Out of stock Extra Virgin Olive Oil (1l) - Metro Chef ₫532,000
Feta Style Cheese (200g) (Goat) - Pastiri | EXP 05/03/2025 ₫85,800
Grana Padano (200G) - Latteria Soresina ₫178,000
Fleur De Sel (500g) - Bac Lieu ₫152,000

Products of the recipe